

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Melissa Weber, Principal

Welcome Falcons to Alder Middle School!

Dear Alder Falcons and Families, 

I hope this letter finds you all in good health and high spirits. As we embark on a new academic year, I am delighted to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome back to each and every one of you. I am looking forward to our school buzzing with life, laughter, and academic engagement. Being a part of the educational process is one of the best experiences in life! 

I want to express my gratitude to our dedicated faculty and staff for their commitment to providing a nurturing and enriching environment for our students. Your passion for education and devotion to our community are truly commendable, and I have no doubt that this academic year will be even more successful and rewarding than the last. 

To our returning students, welcome back! You have been missed, and we are eager to continue supporting you in your academic endeavors, personal growth, and extracurricular pursuits. Let's strive together to make this year a memorable one filled with accomplishments and meaningful experiences. 

To our new students, we extend a special and warm welcome to you. You are now part of our Falcon family, and we look forward to getting to know you better. Remember, our school is a place of inclusivity and diversity, where every voice is valued, and each individual has a role to play in shaping our vibrant community. 

As we progress through this academic year, we will continue to uphold our core values of responsibility, integrity, safety, and excellence. These values are the foundation upon which we build not only our academic achievements but also our relationships and interactions with one another. 

I encourage all of you to actively engage in our school's extracurricular activities, clubs, and events. Participating in these activities fosters teamwork, leadership skills, and a sense of belonging. It is also an excellent way to forge lasting friendships and create memories that will stay with you for a lifetime. 

Additionally, I want to highlight the importance of open communication between all members of our school community. Whether you are a student, parent, teacher, or staff member, your ideas, feedback, and concerns matter. We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and respected. 

Let us remember that challenges may arise, but with resilience and determination, we can overcome them together. I am confident that our united efforts will yield remarkable outcomes and inspire our students to become lifelong learners and responsible global citizens. 

In closing, I want to express my excitement for the upcoming academic year and all the incredible opportunities it holds for us. Thank you for being an integral part of our school community, and let us make this academic year one to remember! 

With warm regards, 

Mrs. Weber 

Proud Principal 



Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Kenneth Bencomo

Assistant Principal 

(909) 957-5330 

ext. 30292



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Rosalind Wilkins

School Secretary 

(909) 357-5330