• Falcon Sports 

    Alder Middle School runs four intramurals and three competitive sports throughout the year.  This year we have softball, soccer, ultimate frisbee and volleyball. The three competitive sports we have are volleyball (co-ed), basketball (boys and girls teams) and soccer (boys and girls teams).


    Intramurals Sports 

    These are sports that only students at Alder participate in.  There are no fees associated with the activity.  Students meet on Wednesdays after school from 12:30 pm - 2:00pm.  All that is required is a permission slip.  Students that attend regularly will receive an Alder Intramurals t-shirt and a pizza party at the end of the intramural season (8 weeks).


    Competitive Sports

    These sports are played against the other 6 middle schools in Fontana.  They play a total of 8 games with the possibility of 2 more with playoffs.  Tryouts are help for each of these sports and the coaches choose their teams.  There is a cost associated with the competitive sports.  Players are expected to find their own method of transportation for these sports.



    Contact Brian Cavazos with further questions cavabd@fusd.net 

  • Permission Slips English and Spanish 

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