Spotlight on our 4th/5th Grade Teacher: Mrs. Welker!

  • What is your dream vacation?

My dream vacation would be Greece or Italy. My family plans to spend a month in Italy once my husband graduates with his masters and Sped credential.

  • If you won the lottery and decided to give up teaching, what would you do instead? 

I would teach in other countries. We love to travel as a family and I would still want to work with kids in some way.

  • What sort of morning routine do you have to get jazzed for class? 

I listen to Air1 (worship music) on my way to work to get in the right mindset and grab a starbies!

  • Are there any embarrassing teaching moments you’re willing to share?

I called one of my students "baby" because that is what I call my own kids at home (laughs out loud). It caught us both off guard. 

  • If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them? 

I would take them to Italy!

  • Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by?

1 Cor 6:18 "Let all that you do be done in love."